Beginner series part 1 : 5 things I wish I knew when I started painting with watercolor

Watercolor has always been a great love of mine. Its fluidity, transparency and ease of use have really spoilt me for other paint mediums. However when I began many years ago, learning recourses for artists were pretty limited and many artists kept their techniques to themselves. I read as many books as I could get…

Art for the environment: Blue and gold macaw

Hello everyone ! In my last post I had mentioned starting a tropical animals painting series and I started with the lovely and vibrant scarlet macaw. So now I have the second animal on my list, the blue and gold macaw. I really enjoyed painting this bird and I painted it a number of times…

The scarlet macaw : a lesson in the importance of practice in art.

So it’s been awhile since I’ve posted. I’ve been busy and a little burnt out as well. But I’ve been painting. I’ve been recently inspired to paint tropical wild life , and I’ve never painted an animal in my life before. So my first choice animal had to be one that was vibrant , beautiful…

Last minute quick and easy fathers’ day card for dad.

Tomorrow is fathers day in Trinidad and Tobago. Many of us may have remembered to get the dad in our life his gift , but forgot the wrapping paper and the card. I’ve recycled some gift bags that I had, so the wrapping paper is covered. I wanted to make a card for my husband…

Wreath number 14 : a thousand times enough

Number 14! Continuing with my ocean themed wreaths. This one is a bit more tropical with the coral reef. I am quite enjoying this little deviation from flowers, but I also am aware of not over doing it, this one would be the last one for now. This one was fun to imagine and draw…

Wreath number 13 : in honor of World Ocean Day

Honestly I hope this is wreath number 13 and not 14 or 12. Tonight’s wreath, is in honor of World Oceans Day, which was Thursday 8th of June. That was yesterday for any among us who are confused about the date like I am , most of the times. My love for the ocean started…

Wreath number 12 : coping with change

Tonight’s wreath is another different one, that includes no flowers, branches or leaves. Instead there are whales! Humpback whales to be exact, just a little ode to my love for the sea. Also I was getting bored of plant life. I’ve chosen an ocean inspired quote as well, which I think goes nicely with my…

Wreath number 11: work through the ugly phase

Wreath number 11 completed, sorry it’s a bit late tonight, I usually write when the baby is asleep, and well she doesn’t want to sleep. A mummy’ s life. So this one is a bit more doodle-ish than the others that I’ve done. I wanted to do flowers but something that was reminiscent of a…

Wreath number 10 : Its okay to just be okay

Wreath 10 out of 30! A third of the way there. For this one I’ve had leaves on my mind, since I was painting some periwinkle leaves for a watercolor piece. I would share that in a post soon. I really do hope this isn’t becoming extremely boring to read, stick with me, we’re almost…

Wreath number 9 : I believe in you

Today’s wreath is one of those again, not so good ones , but I honestly don’t have the time to redo it. It probably won’t be any better anyway. Plus the paper is wrinkled, that is what happened when you have an inquisitive 10 month old who loves paper. It’s been a tough day, and…